
Mauser p38 serial number guide
Mauser p38 serial number guide

mauser p38 serial number guide

The ammo itself is the same standard 8mm ball ammo except it is not on stripper clips which makes for easy belt loading. Most all boxes will be marked "fur MG" which means what you'd expect it to, F or Machine Gun. The ones pictured are closer to excellent condition but there are more than a few in there that are torn/pretty much display only sleeves at this point. The battle pack sleeves themselves range from torn to excellent condition. Most labels I've seen have bee n in nice shape as have the boxes inside the battle packs.

mauser p38 serial number guide

There could be other dates mixed in but please anticipa te majority 1942/43 dated. Most of this WW2 ammo will be 1942 dated with some 1943 mixed in. This is all steel cased FMJ ammo and is not "smk"(armor piercing) marked.

mauser p38 serial number guide

THREE 300rd battle packs of WWII German 8mm Mauser (7.92x57) ammo for a total of 900rd for only $499 delivered(thats 55cpr).

Mauser p38 serial number guide