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You ruined your chance of helping us by editing the site in a very childish manner, which doesnt fit with what the mature, 12+ admins had in mind for the site. Trending Questions Was the study of astronomy back a thousand years? How do astronomers determine the elements present in a star? How much percent of the energy that reaches earth is supplied by the sun through radiation? Point where moon is furthest from earth? What planetary body was Opportunity designed to explore? How long does light from our nearest star take to reach us? What Most meteors burn up in the even though it and the coldest layer? What kingdom evolved from bacteria 2 billion years ago? What is Plane of ecliptic? What is Astronomers have been studying the universe for many years. The company won’t listen to it’s fanbase, so I’m taking matters into my own hands. Due to vandalism of the site by younger babydow users, everyone has been blocked for a year apart from the 2 admins.